"The gas crunch, coinciding with fresh tensions between Russia and Ukraine, has moved energy security back up the agenda. The EU has proposed new rules to improve gas storage and enable joint buying of strategic stocks. Interest in long-term supply agreements is increasing and officials are speaking to Azerbaijan, Qatar and the U.S. about additional supplies, though it is companies that sign contracts rather than the EU."
Articles from Around the Web
Daines, Tester introduce bipartisan bill to help clean up Montana’s abandoned mines
"Montana has approximately 6,000 abandoned hardrock mines according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Organizations that have no legal or financial responsibility to an abandoned mine – true Good Samaritans – want to participate in reclamation. Unfortunately, liability and bureaucratic red-tape could leave these Good Samaritans legally liable for circumstances outside of their control, even though they had no involvement with the mine prior to cleaning it up."
Burning Metal to Make Clean Energy
"So, what happens with all the rust then? Because iron is not just the fuel that is consumed, the energy stored can be easily recharged. And to recharge it, all that oxygen from FeO can be stripped out, and turned back into Fe, ready to be burned again. It might not be easy to do this, but much of the energy and work consists of prying that oxygen away from all the iron, which gets returned to when burning the iron, the next time. The idea is to use the same iron repeatedly, discharging it, and recharging it every time – just like a battery."
GM-Backed Cruise Launches Driverless Ride Service In San Francisco
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The opportunity cost of not using nuclear energy for climate mitigation
"In the United States, closures of nuclear power plants in Vermont, New York and elsewhere have led to increased natural gas use and greenhouse gas emissions."
‘Tree of life’ keeps forests alive for thousands of years, scientists discover
“'This study recalls the urgent need for a global strategy to conserve biodiversity, not only by preserving intact forests, but in particular the small remnant of a few ancient trees that have survived in managed forest landscapes,' study author Gianluca Piovesan concludes."
Biden extends, but modifies, Trump-era solar tariffs, says official
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With a plan to decarbonize home heating with hydrogen, Modern Electron raises $30M
"If Modern Electron’s tech becomes mainstream, and the trend away from oil and coal continues, it could make natural gas a much cleaner and more viable complement (and one already with a heavy global presence) to renewables like solar and wind."
Free Market Reforms Can Help Reduce GHG Emissions Faster
"Market based solutions have a long tradition of achieving their goals at a fraction of the cost of traditional regulation, whether that’s reducing pollution, managing water in droughts, or preserving wildlife. It’s time to resurrect them."
A roadway will charge your EV while you’re driving
"Wireless EV charging systems use magnetic frequency to transfer power from coils buried underground to a receiver pad attached to the car's underbelly."