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Celebrating Success: John Curtis and the Conservative Climate Movement

Celebrating Success: John Curtis and the Conservative Climate Movement

"Rep. Curtis’ efforts have resulted in a much-needed conservative voice on energy and climate policymaking, emphasizing a 'big tent' energy approach, sharpened by American innovation and leadership.  These milestones are worthy of celebration, but there is plenty of work ahead including permitting reform, advanced energy innovation and rebuilding America’s supply chains, which will continue to strengthen our economy, secure our nation and protect our environment for generations to come."

$1.1M ARPA-E award to fund project exploring potential of geologic hydrogen

$1.1M ARPA-E award to fund project exploring potential of geologic hydrogen

"Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe but is usually found in compound form. It can be extracted from a variety of sources, including water, fossil fuels and biomass but this requires energy and can release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Geologic hydrogen — or natural hydrogen — is pure hydrogen, generated through water-rock interactions deep in the Earth’s subsurface without active stimulation, the researchers said."

Intersect Power to build $837M worth of grid batteries in Texas

Intersect Power to build $837M worth of grid batteries in Texas

"The three Texas battery installations — Lumina I, Lumina II, and Radian — are expected to be up and running in 2024. They will store solar power already flowing from Intersect’s 640 megawatt Lumina project and its 320 megawatt Radian project in Texas, helping provide additional flexibility to a state that outpaced California in solar deployment as of last year and is forecasted to beat California in energy storage deployment in 2024."

Concrete battery developed by MIT and Harvard researchers makes headlines again for its promising potential in powering devices

Concrete battery developed by MIT and Harvard researchers makes headlines again for its promising potential in powering devices

"The power-storing building material could also help to offset some of the air pollution generated by the cement industry, widely reported as spewing  5-8% of worldwide planet-warming gas pollution. Those harmful, heat-trapping fumes are contributing to a warmup that is impacting even classroom performance, according to the Environmental Protection Agency." 

Trade is key to countering China’s clean energy dominance

Trade is key to countering China’s clean energy dominance

"Support for increased economic openness, new trade agreements and the World Trade Organization is already retreating in Washington. It would be a major policy error, however, to conflate concerns about imports from China with concerns about trade more broadly. Indeed, the only way to effectively counter China’s dominance in clean energy technologies is to embrace more, not less, trade with most other nations."

Searching for the Next Hot Cooking Oil? It Could Be From Algae

Searching for the Next Hot Cooking Oil? It Could Be From Algae

"Expanding algae as a cooking-oil ingredient seems promising despite the energy required to heat up fermentation tanks, says Stanford University sustainability professor Steven Davis, who studies agricultural emissions. Fermenting algae is likely to use less water than traditional agriculture while limiting CO2 emissions and the need for fertilizers, he says. Algae can also flourish in many different types of environments, Davis adds. 'If we can reduce the demand for conventional land-based oils, that could be a big win.'"

How fracking could unlock a clean energy future

How fracking could unlock a clean energy future

"To extract enough heat in places with cooler rock, geothermal developers must drill 15,000 feet or deeper, which is more expensive. Faster drilling helped the oil and gas industry dig deeper to squeeze more profits out of shale rock, and analysts expect geothermal drilling speed to similarly improve."

An America-First Energy Agenda Can Transform Environmental Policy

An America-First Energy Agenda Can Transform Environmental Policy

"As the far-left environmental community continues to fumble these issues, an America-First energy agenda could be a promising cornerstone in advancing economic prosperity, enhancing national security, and leaving a more beautiful nation for future generations. Conservatives, committed to stewardship, economic growth, and American leadership, can champion energy and environmental policy, stepping up to embrace these issues with the urgency they deserve. The long-term benefits for our country—and indeed, the world—are immense. The time to act is now, and the opportunity to lead has never been greater."

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