The Economist writes on America’s tariffs on Chinese EVs.

- Open and competitive markets have benefited consumers and the planets and have raised billions of people out of poverty.
- President Biden’s tariffs on Chinese EVs and solar panels will hurt the administration’s climate goals and prevent competition (which will hamstring innovation and cost reductions).
- Rather than turning to protectionism, policymakers can benefit workers, consumers, and the planet by opening up markets.
“Politicians in America from both parties argue that they need to increase tariffs on a wide range of goods. China is heavily subsidising its manufacturers, giving them an edge in global markets. And, they add, the security risk of letting in Chinese cars is too great, since evs are easily tracked and monitored. There is something to these concerns. But Mr Biden’s tariffs are a blunt tool for dealing with them and will bring underappreciated economic harms to America and the world.”
Read the full article here.
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