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Apple and the End of the Car as We Know It

Christopher Mimms of The Wall Street Journal writes on how software is taking over car manufacturing and how it could lead to the end of cars as we know it.

The C3 Take
  • Software and car manufacturing are merging together, especially as electric vehicles begin to flood the market.
  • Apple has started to reach out to several car companies, such as Hyundai, to see how their software savvy can help manufacturers.
  • As more cars become entertainment centers in addition to transportation vehicles, we will begin to see AI and cars have a stronger relationship in the future.

“The company also recently approached auto makers including Hyundai about a potential manufacturing partnership, then saw talks fizzle. It’s just as likely Apple is, as usual, experimenting until or unless it hits on something it thinks it can do better than anyone else.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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