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America deserves a pro-jobs climate plan

Alaska Senator Dan Sullivan writes on Roll Call that America deserves a pro-jobs climate plan.

The C3 Take
  • Through developing domestic natural gas, supporting our renewable energy sector, and investing in energy innovation we can create a climate plan that grows our economy.
  • Since 2005 our power sector emissions have declined by 33%, while our economy has grown by 20%.
  • Through an “all of the above” energy approach, we can produce a climate plan that benefits our planet and our economy.

“Our energy resources provide America with an incredible strategic advantage. Through innovation and the strength of our workers, the United States has once again become the world’s No. 1 producer of oil, natural gas and renewables in the world. We can, and we should, use these resources as a bridge to the technologies that will create a cleaner energy future, not unilaterally restrict production of American energy and hand workers in these critical sectors pink slips, as the Biden administration is now doing.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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