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Five Myths About Climate Policy

Philip Rossetti of R Street disproves five of the biggest myths of climate policy.

The C3 Take

The myths that subsidies, overhauls of our energy system, and mass government spending are the only ways to address climate change, are just that-myths. The private sector is producing innovations that reduce our emissions and protect our natural and economic environment.

“Too often, politicos try to give the impression that they have the magic beans for sale that will finally resolve climate change. But we should not take claims of policy efficacy at face value when it is influenced by institutional bias. Real progress on climate change requires an honest brokerage of the issues, and a willingness to work on the nuts and bolts of pragmatic progress that can yield more benefits than costs.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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