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Yesterday Your Screen Was Built With Fossil Fuels -Today It’s Built With Biology

John Cumbers of Forbes writes on Zymergen, a bioengineering company that is creating innovative products.

The C3 Take
  • Zymergen is a company that is using microbes to produce breakthrough products, including phone screens.
  • Zymergen has recently created a bioengineered polyimide film that can be used for phone screens, called Hyaline.
  • Through innovative bioengineering, Zymergen is creating products that benefit our environment and consumers alike.

“Most people think leading a sustainable life means you have to give up modern luxuries. Zymergen is changing this by showing that it is possible to have sustainability and enjoy products at the same time. Serber is clear that quality and function cannot be sacrificed for an eco-friendly label.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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