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Why Californians Have Some of the Highest Power Bills in the U.S.

Phred Dvorak of The Wall Street Journal reports on why California power bills are so high.

The C3 Take
  • In July California had the second highest electricity rates in the nation (~34 cents/KWh), trailing only Hawai’i (~45 cents/KWh).
  • California’s high rates can be attributed to utility investments in wildfire prevention, expanding the grid, and shutting down firm, baseload power.
  • In Borrego Springs, a desert town near San Diego, one resident’s electricity bill hit $1837.40 in June which was more than her $1,200 rent.

“In Borrego Springs, a desert town of 3,000, temperatures often top 110 degrees Fahrenheit in summer and air conditioners run nonstop. The town’s primary utility, San Diego Gas & Electric, has raised electric rates 82% in the past 10 years as it poured money into wildfire prevention and expanding and greening the grid.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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