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UW selected to lead critical mineral and material coalition by DOE

The University of Wyoming School of Energy Resources was recently selected to receive $7.5 million from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management to lead a regional coalition expanding a domestic critical mineral and materials supply.

The project, totaling more than $10.1 million, will assess the carbon ore, rare earth and critical mineral potential of the Great Plains and Interior Highlands, which is composed of 10 states and four basins first studied under Phase I of the DOE’s initiative.

Part of a national strategy to find alternative domestic sources of rare earth elements and critical minerals, the DOE investment will expand the focus from basin-level to regional-scale in order to accelerate the development of critical mineral and materials supply chains. These include novel nonfuel carbon-based products from secondary and unconventional feedstocks, such as coal and coal waste.

Read more in Oil City News here.

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