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U.S. solar faces new barriers after year of ‘crisis’

David Iaconangelo of E&E News writes about the barriers that the solar industry faces.

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The C3 Take
  • Once signed, the Inflation Reduction Act will lead to more investments in clean energy, but barriers that stall solar power development will still remain.
  • Protectionist policies such as tariffs and inefficient permitting regulations delay project completion times and increase costs for consumers.
  • Rather than achieving a clean energy future with spending only, federal lawmakers should reducing regulations that stifle private sector innovation.

“Still, the legislation’s many boosts to solar might not overcome other counterweights, such as ongoing supply shortages, allegations of forced labor, uncertainty about a federal probe on tariffs and lengthening queues for solar farms to get on the electric grid, according to observers.”

Read the full article here.

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