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Tio Kleberg, 7th Generation King Ranch Patriarch, Says Solar is the Future

Freedom Solar Power writes about a 7th-generation rancher who is embracing solar power.

The C3 Take
  • Tio Kleberg owns King Ranch, a 825,000-acre ranch that is larger than Rhode Island and located in Kingsville, Texas.
  • After becoming fed up with high electricity bills, Kleberg has decided to install 85 solar panels totalling 37 kilowatts on his property.
  • The solar panels are saving Kleberg $400 in monthly electricity bills and have allowed him to cut his CO2 emissions in half.
  • Kleberg, and many property owners like him, are actively looking for ways to protect the environment and leave the land better than they found it.

“The Klebergs’ solar array will help prevent 1 million pounds of coal from being burned to generate electricity. ‘The legacy that I’d like to leave for my children is to leave it better than it was left for me. Improve the land, improve conservation methods, and solar is one of those things—it will carry on for the next 150 years.'”

Read the full article here.

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