Heather Clancy of GreenBiz writes about a carbon removal startup that is burying waste.

- Houston-based Vaulted Deep, a startup that spun out from Advantek Waste Management Services, is the latest carbon removal company to receive significant backing.
- The company buries sludgy organic waste like animal manure, pulpy paper, and inedible foods in deep wells to prevent them from decomposing and emitting methane.
- The company already has two permitted and operational injection sites in California and Kansas.
“Vaulted Deep’s approach involves collecting sludgy organic waste such as animal manure, inedible food and pulpy paper and injecting it deep into wells, which can be sequestered for thousands of years. That prevents it from decomposing and emitting the potent greenhouse gas methane, said Vaulted Deep CEO Julia Reichelstein. She touted other co-benefits, such as preventing chemicals associated with these waste streams from leaching into groundwater. The technology builds on patented geologic slurry injection methods used by the parent company.”
Read the full article here.
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