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These three issues stand in the way of energy permitting reform

Xan Fishman writes in The Hill about issues that have hindered permitting reform.

The C3 Take
  • America’s antiquated permitting system is one of the biggest roadblocks to reaching clean energy goals.
  • Until recently, permitting reform has been a partisan issue that Republicans have championed but it has begun to garner bipartisan support.
  • While some lawmakers may want to exclude fossil fuel projects from a permitting reform bill, the fact remains that traditional fuel sources have a significant role to play in reducing emissions and bolstering energy security.
  • To meaningfully address climate change and increase energy reliability and affordability, lawmakers must enact comprehensive permitting reform.

“Now, permitting reform is something that both parties can support. That’s because addressing climate change is less about blocking traditional energy projects and more about facilitating clean energy projects — everything from solar and wind to new powerlines, to advanced nuclear, to decarbonized natural gas, to geothermal, to new facilities to capture, move and store carbon dioxide. So, whether you’re a Republican or Democrat, and whether you care about energy costs, energy independence, energy innovation or greenhouse gas emissions, permitting reform helps you achieve your goals.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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