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These ‘Hydropanels’ Attach to Homes Just Like Solar Panels — and They Create Hundreds of Gallons of Fresh Drinking Water

Rachel McGlasson writes in The Cool Down about Arizona-based SOURCE, a clean water startup.

The C3 Take
  • SOURCE’s solar panels use the sun to extract moisture from the air and provide safe drinking water.
  • The panel’s are $2,000 each and generate 1.3 gallons of fresh water per day.
  • Technology such as this could be especially important in providing safe drinking water to the estimated 2 billion people who live in water-stressed communities around the world.

“The technology is fairly straightforward. Fans on each panel draw in ambient air and push it through a water-absorbing material, trapping the vapor from the air. The vapor is then condensed into a liquid using energy from the sun, after which it’s collected in a reservoir. The water is then mineralized with magnesium and calcium to maintain quality and achieve a better taste.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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