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The U.S.-Canada Energy Relationship Is Underappreciated – And May Now Be Under Threat

Dan Byers and Michael Gullo write in RealClearEnergy about the importance of the U.S.-Canada energy relationship.

The C3 Take
  • Canada plays a crucial role in providing the U.S. with electricity, natural gas, crude oil, and uranium.
  • In total, two-way energy trade of oil, natural gas, electricity and uranium reached a record total in 2023 of $156 billion USD.
  • Canada is considering imposing a cap and trade scheme that would increase costs for energy producers and slow down projects, which would significantly impact American imports.
  • Canada should reduce its energy sector emissions by lowering regulatory barriers to innovation, not imposing costs on producers.

“Together, Canada and the U.S. have dominated global oil and growth in the past decade, creating an energy secure North America while driving billions into innovation and technologies designed to lower emissions. Policy actions that limit production and export capacity could reverse this progress, leaving us and our allies more vulnerable. We must instead leverage our deeply interconnected energy systems and rock-solid commercial relationships in support of a North American Energy Security framework that will deliver benefits for decades to come. Our organizations and collective membership stand ready to be a fully committed partner in this effort.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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