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The surprising benefits of switching to ‘lamb mowers’

Michael J. Coren of The Washington Post writes about the benefits of switching to lamb mowers.

The C3 Take
  • Lambs and other livestock used to care for the lawns of Central Park and the White House before machines took their place.
  • Lamb Mowers is bringing the practice back, this time in suburban Virginia.
  • The company employs more than a dozen sheep to tend to lawns across Northern Virginia.
  • These gentle grazers clip grass to four inches, which is the right length to maximize soil health and shade out weeds.

“It also brings other benefits. No chemicals are needed. The sheep selectively eat weeds and invasives (Lamb Mowers won’t serveany lawns treated in the last six months). Carbon from the grass is returned to the soil as sheep pellets. One 2006 study found replacing sheep for lawn mowers cut net emissions by more than a third (980 kgCO2e/ha/year). If you embrace the natural lawn and ‘no mow’ movement, the sheep help you make the transition from sod to meadow, and keep it healthy over time.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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