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The Solar Breakthrough That Could Help the U.S. Compete With China

Amrith Ramkumar of The Wall Street Journal reports on a breakthrough to lower solar costs in the U.S.

The C3 Take
  • An Israeli startup called Lumet has developed a new technology that promises to reduce the cost of producing solar panels by simplifying the metallization process and using less expensive silver.
  • Lumet’s process involves coating silver paste patterns onto plastic films that are then pressed onto solar cells at high temperatures, allowing for thinner, more efficient silver “fingers” to capture sunlight compared to traditional screen printing methods.
  • South Korea’s Hanwha Group, one of the biggest solar panel makers outside China building a major U.S. supply chain, says it will be the first to adopt Lumet’s technology to gain cost and performance advantages over low-cost Chinese panels.

“The startup, called Lumet, is the brainchild of Benny Landa, who founded the company that developed the first digital printing press. That company was sold to HP for $830 million in the early 2000s. Lumet is working with Bank of America to raise hundreds of millions of dollars in the coming months, Landa said.”

Read the full article here.

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