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The Government’s Permitting Regime Is Choking the Economy

Veronique de Rugy writes in Reason about the consequences of inefficient permitting.

The C3 Take
  • From housing to technological development, government red tape and onerous permitting is hamstringing the economy.
  • Inefficient regulations have an outsized impact on energy prices, reliability, and innovation.
  • Permitting requirements slow down build times which hinders our ability to add more generation to the grid to meet growing demand.
  • Modernizing the permitting process would lower costs for consumers and accelerate economic and climate progress.

“This isn’t just good policy; it’s a moral imperative. Permitting reform is about restoring a healthy power balance between government and individual and ensuring that America remains a place where innovation thrives, entrepreneurs succeed, and opportunity is universal. It’s about reclaiming the principles that made this country great.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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