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The Global Search for Energy Security

Daniel Yergin writes in The Wall Street Journal about the global search for energy security.

The C3 Take
  • In the last few years global leaders have looked to transition to net-zero, but Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has disrupted markets and brought energy security to the forefront of the energy and climate discussion.
  • Countries that have planned to go all in on renewables are now turning to conventional fuel sources to meet growing energy demand from consumers.
  • Durable climate policy must prioritize energy reliability and affordability. To best reach these goals, while lowering emissions, policymakers should find ways to unleash private sector innovation through an “all of the above” energy approach.

“Europe is reupping its already ambitious commitment to wind and solar, but it seems to recognize that those additions at scale take some time and solve only part of the problem. A transition to renewable energy and electric cars won’t happen without energy security, which, at least for the next several decades, necessitates access to a diverse and reliable array of energy sources.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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