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The Federal Government Is Spending Over $15 Billion To Push Electric Vehicles

Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) has released his annual Festivus Report, highlighting over $1 trillion in wasteful federal government spending. 

This year’s report includes a $12 million pickleball court in Las Vegas, $10 billion in maintenance and rent for mostly empty federal buildings, and hundreds of thousands of dollars for censoring nonliberal media (including Reason). Unsurprisingly, the federal government also wasted billions of dollars on clean energy and climate change projects. 

Paul’s Festivus Report identifies a $10,000 grant from the National Endowment for the Arts to “support a cabaret show on ice skates focused on climate change,” $3 million from the Department of State to fund “girl-centered climate action” in Brazil, and $20 million for the Department of Agriculture to “advance fertilizer use in Pakistan, Vietnam, Colombia, and Brazil.” The largest energy and climate spender was the Department of Energy, which used “$15.5 billion to push Americans toward electric vehicles they don’t want,” in Paul’s words.

Read more in Reason here.

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