Mario Loyola writes in National Review that the environmental left is its own worst enemy.
>>>READ: Climate activists stall solar project in Massachusetts<<<

- Activists in the Midwest have stopped a transmission line project that would increase the regional grid’s clean energy generation.
- Excessive regulation and litigation, often through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), slows down the development and deployment of clean energy projects.
- Failing to amend policies such as NEPA will result in fewer environmentally-friendly projects being completed and climate goals becoming harder to reach.
“The biggest lesson in this epic travesty is that even if President Biden were truly committed to decarbonizing the economy (which is to be seriously doubted, given how fast he backed away from a gasoline tax, among other things), the resistance of Democrats at regional-agency level, among environmental groups, and in the federal judiciary makes it almost impossible to imagine how he could succeed.”
Read the full article here.
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