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The dangerous war on natural gas

Jason Johnston writes in the Washington Examiner on the dangerous war on natural gas.

The C3 Take
  • Providing the developing world and Europe with reliable, affordable, and clean American energy is essential to accelerating human prosperity and achieving climate objectives.
  • Increasing regulations to hamstring domestic fuel production is anti-environmental and anti-scientific.
  • American policymakers should further embrace a market-driven “all of the above” approach, which includes natural gas, to bolster energy security.

“Economists of all political stripes agree economic growth has been a tremendous engine for sustained improvements in human welfare, especially the welfare of the poorest people in society. Shutting down natural gas will shut down economic growth. In turn, no person who actually cares about the poorest members of society and also wants to move to reliable electricity with a high reliance on wind and solar should support the war on natural gas.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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