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The Contradictions of Biden Climate Policy in Profile

Sarah Montalbano writes in The Wall Street Journal about the contradictions in Biden’s climate policy.

The C3 Take
  • The Biden administration has shuttered the Ambler Road project in northwest Alaska which would have provided access to significant quantities of zinc, lead, silver, cobalt and copper.
  • Construction of the road would have also supported 360 jobs a year while developing four mines in the region would have created almost 5,000 direct and indirect jobs and generated $1.1 billion $193 million in revenue to the state and local governments, respectively.
  • The administration’s decision to shutter domestic energy production and mining hurts the environment, consumers, and America’s economic advantage.

“Whether to mine on Alaska’s pristine land is a debate worth having. But if the minerals aren’t mined in the U.S., they’ll be sourced from overseas, where in many cases China dominates both mining and processing. If the Biden administration continues to stymie domestic mining projects, it can say hello to international dependence and kiss its net-zero agenda goodbye.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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