“The African American community and their stories [at Hopewell], stories of colliers and blacksmiths [are not being represented]. It's important to understand those stories and make those connections so there is pride in your heritage. It's critically important to the health of the community.”
Elon Musk Is Offering $100M In Prizes for Carbon Removal
Private industry and individual innovators should be leaders in our work to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.
Three Keys to Fixing What Went Wrong in Texas
Whether you blame the changing climate or just bad weather, we need a power grid that is better prepared for emergencies. Strengthening the grid won’t be easy, but it can be done.
Exclusive: Rep. John Curtis Offers Conservative Climate Leadership
The issue of climate change, which was once dominated by the Left, has found a conservative champion in Utah Republican John Curtis.
Reinstating Regulations Can Hurt the Environment
With the hard-fought election now over, and resulting narrow majorities in Congress, it’s time to put politics and pride aside in favor of real progress towards a cleaner environment. Policymakers on both sides of the aisle should allow innovation to be unleashed.
Brewery’s Restoration Efforts a Win for Local Community and the Environment
SingleSpeed has made strides in reducing the building’s carbon footprint by offsetting brewery operations with rooftop solar panels and by installing electric vehicle charging stations in the restaurant's parking lot.
Three Keys to the GOP’s post-Trump Future
The House GOP’s overwhelmingly endorsement of Liz Cheney reveals a party that is ready to move on.
Biden Risks Deepening the Cultural Divide on Climate Change
Climate change is a threat to the health, safety, and livelihoods of all Americans. There is no simple solution, but creating further division is a guaranteed path to failure.
While D.C. Plays Politics, States Make Progress
There are lessons to be learned in the states. The best solutions have proven to come from innovation and risk-taking in the business community, not from heavy-handed federal or state regulation.
The Clean Energy Policy That Could Strengthen Texas Oil & Gas
Carbon capture technology is primed for major developments. That means we don’t need fools errands like ending fossil fuels, banning technologies like hydraulic fracturing, or cancelling pipelines.