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Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

State: Utah

John Curtis

John Curtis

“My district has a unique component that I think all conservatives share. They care deeply about the land we inherit from our fathers and mothers. They care deeply about leaving it better than they found it. Yet ironically, we’ve been branded as not caring about the environment. Why? Because we push back on the litmus...

John Curtis

John Curtis

“We can be energy independent and we can still reduce emissions. And that’s what the caucus is all about. Republicans going on the offensive and saying, ‘Look, we care about the environment, we want to reduce emissions, here’s our plan.'”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“We don’t have to sacrifice energy independence. We don’t have to sacrifice higher prices. We don’t have to sacrifice our economy. And we can still lower emissions, all of those things, they’re not mutually exclusive.”

Blake Moore

Blake Moore

“It was never the case that conservatives don’t care about the climate, there was always good, productive work going on.”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“Proposals to reduce emissions and be good stewards of the Earth do not need to hurt the American economy, in fact, it’s just the opposite. There is a way to lower emissions without sacrificing American jobs and principles.”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“We don’t need to kill the U.S. economy to reach our climate goals.”    

Mike Lee

Mike Lee

“As the global demand for energy continues to soar, it will be necessary for America to pursue an energy policy that is built on the solid foundation of domestic production, technological innovation, and efficient consumption…Nuclear, hydro, geothermal, and other forms of renewable energy should all be a part of our portfolio.”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“What we need is thoughtful people on both the Right and the Left to come together and find solutions that we can agree on that meet the end goal, which is reducing pollutants in the air…and judge [solutions] based on how well they do that and let the best ideas survive.”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“If we stop all carbon from going into the air tomorrow…there’s still too much carbon in the air…So I think it’s a mistake to leave carbon sequestration out of the conversation if we really want to get to the levels of carbon that people are talking about.”

John Curtis

John Curtis

“If the goal is to reduce carbon in the air, we have something [nuclear energy] right in front of us that will dramatically change the equation.”

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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