“There is nothing more conservative than the idea of an ounce of prevention versus a pound of cure; being grateful for the bounty that we’ve inherited and feeling that obligation to not consume it, to not waste it, to take advantage of it, but to grow it for future generations.”
State: Michigan
Peter Meijer
“I care about making sure that we stem rising sea levels. I care about the fact that we need to work on global warming, that we need to reduce our carbon emissions. These are important things that frankly we are aligned with our business community on.”
Peter Meijer
“The legacy of Teddy Rosevelt, the legacy of the conservation ethos in the conservative movement, that’s always been there. One of the challenges is that for too long, we looked at the issue of climate and the issue of the environment as a zero-sum political messaging game. I’m proud that with this caucus, we’re not...
Tim Walberg
“We need innovation that continues on. Never in the history of the United States have we gone backward. We’ve innovated forward. We can do that in energy.”
Fred Upton
“Today, as a result of the shale revolution and the rise of natural gas, we are also leading the world in carbon emissions reductions, and we didn’t need a top-down Federal mandate, a price on carbon, or the Paris Agreement to get there either. We owe that to the free market and competition that rewards...
Fred Upton
[W]e need to talk about permitting reform. As we all know, it has become virtually impossible to build large-scale infrastructure projects in this country, especially pipeline and transmission that crosses state lines. Pouring federal dollars on the problem will not solve it. We need real reforms – strong lead agencies, timelines, and real certainty to...
Fred Upton
“I believe it is important to recognize that, over the past decade, the United States has become the world’s leading producer of oil and gas creating millions of good-paying American jobs and billions of dollars in tax revenues to States and local governments…We are now self-sufficient when it comes to natural gas – which has...
Peter Meijer
“We are stewards of the natural inheritance we have been given, and must value sustainability as a core conservative principle.”
Peter Meijer
“On the energy production side, it comes down to taking all the above approach, understanding all the existing subsidies and getting to a point where you’re not just fighting subsidy with subsidy. It’s recognizing our energy independence is going to require not only a shift to renewables, but also maintaining some on demand energy production....
Fred Upton
“Climate change is real, and as Republican Leaders of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, we are focused on solutions. A serious, solutions-oriented discussion about how to address this challenge, while protecting the interests of the American people, our communities, and our country’s economic well-being is fundamental to getting this right.”