Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

State: Kentucky

Rand Paul

Rand Paul

“While some would have us believe we can only protect the environment by giving the federal government more control over Americans’ lives, my bill shows we can act while still respecting Americans’ private property rights and the Constitution’s limits on federal power.”

Rand Paul

Rand Paul

“We should be talking about energy freedom, new technologies, and discoveries. Instead the debate in Washington continues to be about how much we should subsidize solar or ethanol, and whether we should prohibit nuclear energy or coal. We should shift the debate and cut the red tape. Like all other sectors of the economy, allowing...

Andy Barr

Andy Barr

“To the extent that there are concerns about global warming, or climate change, our answer, our solution to that should always be unleashing the power of innovation, or science and technology, making sure we get the best and brightest on the question.”

Brett Guthrie

Brett Guthrie

“Climate change is a real and serious threat, but I do not believe that radical solutions proposed in the Democrats’ ‘Green New Deal’ are the solution. The Green New Deal is projected to cost up to $93 trillion over ten years, at an estimated cost of over $60,000 per year per household. I believe that...

Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell

“The question is how do you address it. … The way to do this consistent with American values and American capitalism is through technology and innovation … not to shut down your economy, throw people out of work”

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