Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

State: California


Jay Obernolte

“We can strengthen our energy grid and produce more power than ever before. But we can only accomplish this if Congress takes action to provide American researchers and developers a regulatory framework that makes room for fusion energy.”

Jay Obernolte

Jay Obernolte

“America needs a regulatory environment that reflects the vast differences between fusion and fission and allows these technologies to be implemented and managed accordingly. We also need a national energy framework that can bolster this emerging technology with research and development and support the integration of fusion energy into an “all-of-the-above” energy portfolio.”

David Valadao

David Valadao

“America has amazing potential. We have changed the world through our innovation, making it a better place. Energy security is a major challenge, but it will be surmounted through American ingenuity, innovation, and natural resources.”

David Valadao

David Valadao

“In the short term, we must reduce red tape and end frivolous litigation that blocks the development of America’s energy resources. Energy security is a major challenge that can be overcome by making use of American ingenuity, innovation, and natural resources.”

David Valadao

David Valadao

“I firmly believe we must increase our supply of safe, clean energy to provide power for our electrical grid. To achieve that, we need a diverse, ‘all of the above’ energy plan that includes nuclear and clean coal power plants as well as oil and natural gas exploration, wind, solar, and hydro energy. These proven...

Young Kim

Young Kim

“Securing continued U.S. energy independence requires unleashing American innovation and public-private collaboration to address energy and environmental challenges.”

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

“As Republicans, we recognize that climate action cannot be measured by a bill’s price tag or page count. We are not looking for a silver bullet to solve climate change; we are focused on real solutions that will work. Solving environmental challenges means introducing targeted solutions that will make a difference today and investing in...

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

“We have introduced a number of bills aimed at capturing, utilizing, and storing carbon, all based on the understanding that natural gas and other fossil energy sources are not the problem, emissions are. So instead of destroying entire industries and the jobs they provide, we should invest in technologies that reduce or eliminate these emissions,...

Kevin McCarthy

Kevin McCarthy

“America has always been a leader in developing cutting-edge technologies and pushing the limits of our imagination. It only makes sense to apply that same approach and dedication to reducing global emissions and creating new American jobs.”

Michelle Park Steel

Michelle Park Steel

“I have always supported science-based, common-sense policies that protect our environment and the beautiful California coastline. In Congress, I will work towards climate solutions that promote innovation and diversification. We need leaders that understand the challenge at hand, but also have the foresight not to overburden small businesses with meaningless regulations.”

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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