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Startup nabs $60M for high-tech cables to help speed clean energy rollout

Jeff St. John of Canary Media reports on grid infrastructure startup.

The C3 Take
  • TS Conductor has raised $60 million to significantly expand its U.S. manufacturing capacity for advanced power cables, which can help improve grid  the clean energy transition by increasing grid capacity.
  • The company’s innovative cables, made of aluminum surrounding a carbon composite core, are lighter, stronger, and capable of carrying more electricity than traditional cables, potentially reducing overall transmission infrastructure costs
  • While private sector innovation is great, meaningful permitting reform is needed to allow these technologies to power the grid.

“Advanced conductors are also particularly well suited to ​’reconductoring’ projects — replacing old cables on existing transmission towers. The tech can double to triple the transmission capacity of those existing corridors, providing utilities and regulators with an alternative to securing rights-of-way and building new towers across hundreds of miles of land. Building transmission from scratch can take up to or more than a decade from conception to completion, and is often stymied by permitting and legal challenges.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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