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Startup inks $65M deal to help Air Force make ‘sustainable’ jet fuel on bases

Harri Weber of TechCrunch reports on Air Company’s collaboration with the Air Force to make sustainable jet fuel.

The C3 Take
  • Air Company makes products like vodka, perfume, and hand sanitizer with capture carbon dioxide.
  • Air Company has been backed by Toyota and JetBlue and is currently capturing industrial emissions at its pilot plant in Brooklyn.
  • The company will not provide fuel to the Air Force, but rather will provide the technology to make sustainable jet fuel.

Air Company said the carbon will initially come from industrial facilities — which is how the startup currently makes fuel at its ‘pilot plant’ in Brooklyn, New York. But the startup also has its hands in direct air capture, which is ‘part of the technology that Air Company would be building out on site,’ a spokesperson for the firm said.

Read the full article here.

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