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Rick Santorum Speaks About Conservative Solutions to Climate and Energy Challenges

C3 Advisory Board member and former U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Rick Santorum recently participated in a lively panel during National Clean Energy Week, hosted by the Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions (CRES). In his panel titled “Clean Energy in the November Election” Santorum was joined by former Louisiana senator Mary Landrieu as well as host, and Washington Examiner journalist, Abby Smith.

A few highlights of the discussion you can view here.

When asked about his past comments criticizing climate alarmism, Santorum said, “[T]he data is the data—that the climate is warming. Really the question is what can you do about it and what are the effects?”

Santorum continued, “Conservatives, frankly, don’t question the legitimacy of the issue of making sure the environment is healthy and safe and sustainable. But let’s try and put some commonsense solutions in place.”

Santorum, who tends bees on his own land and is involved with businesses related to environmental stewardship, including a waste energy company, emphasized his support for clean energy innovation.

This pro-market view was echoed by former Democratic Senator Mary Landrieu, who said:

“I’m a believer if we just respect the industry, not just beat the heck out of them, and let them show the way forward, give them some goals, let their scientists and engineers go to work, they figure a lot of this stuff out. So that would be my message to the president, just listen and respect the industry.”

Santorum noted this respect for free enterprise has led to economic boons in places such as Pennsylvania where the fracking revolution has revitalized economies that were once  depressed. Just north, on the other side of the border in New York, the story could not be more different. Excessive regulations have left local economies in shambles.

Senator Santorum’s leadership and insights show that the issue of climate change is no longer a one-party issue. When it comes to clean energy, he is one of many prominent conservatives who are committed to playing offense rather than defense.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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