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Rep. Chuck Fleischmann: Clean energy – Biden and Republicans can work together. Here’s how

Rep. Chuck Fleishman writes on Fox News that nuclear is a clean energy solution that both Republicans and Biden should agree upon.

The C3 Take
  • Nuclear energy is our largest source of carbon energy in the United States.
  • In order to meaningfully reduce our emissions, nuclear energy must be embraced grown.
  • In order to bolster nuclear, Congress should lower barriers through licensing and exporting reform in order to allow the free market to work.

“President Joe Biden has said he is committed to reducing carbon emissions, but real progress can only come from working with Congress, not through executive orders. If President Biden reached out to Congress, he may be surprised to learn that there is a large coalition of lawmakers from across the political spectrum who are eager to get involved in the fight to reduce carbon emissions.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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