Blake Hanson of Fox4 reports on a Texas bill that is aiming to address reliability concerns of the grid.

- Lawmakers in Texas are considering legislation that would authorize the construction of 10,000 MW worth of thermal energy generation that will only be used in the event of emergencies.
- The building of these new power plants will cost consumers billions of dollars and distort the market to favor traditional energy sources over renewable power.
- Renewable energy provides countless economic benefits to rural communities in Texas.
- Importantly, these upgrades will fail to address the root cause of unreliability in Texas’ power market, which includes outdated infrastructure.
“‘Because those are held out of the market, it’s 10,000 MW that consumers are paying for on their bills that are going to sit on the sidelines until we’re in a crisis,’ said Michele Richmond, with Texas Competitive Power Advocates.”
Read the full article here.
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