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Progressive Politicians Are Regulating Their Own Projects Into Oblivion

Veronique de Rugy writes in Reason about the impacts of overregulation.

The C3 Take
  • After championing billions of dollars in new green energy spending and subsidies, progressive politicians are realizing that regulatory inefficiencies are hindering energy and climate progress.
  • Permitting under NEPA for instance takes nearly five years to complete which discourages private sector investment and hurts grid reliability and innovation.
  • While public investments in this space are important, lawmakers can spend money more efficiently and stretch taxpayer dollars further by modernizing regulations such as NEPA.

“A well-functioning marketplace requires rules—institutions such as property rights, an unhindered system of profit and loss, and a fair and stable law of contract. It also requires an abundant level of freedom within the confines of these institutions. Fundamentally, most government interventions into the market tinker with these institutions and hamper that freedom.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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