“Moving Indiana toward an all of the above energy policy will create jobs, expand our economy, make our communities more secure through energy independence, improve public health, and leave behind a powerful legacy for future generations of Hoosiers.”
Profession: Organization
Pennsylvania Conservative Energy Forum
“Transitioning to clean, renewable energy insulates us from sudden and unpredictable fluctuations in the price of natural gas, creates local jobs that can’t be shipped overseas, attracts investments to our state from companies looking to put down roots, conserves our natural resources – helping to protect our outdoor sporting and hunting pastimes – and increases...
Conservatives for Clean Energy: Georgia
“Clean energy is having a transformative impact on Georgia’s economy and environment: our state has grown into a destination for clean energy and our economy is reaping the benefits.”
Conservative Texans for Energy Innovation
“Clean and renewable energy sources represent the future of energy in Texas. As conservatives, we encourage competition and free markets, which allow for vibrant, sustainable economies. Texas inventors, entrepreneurs, and manufacturers are leaders in a global transformation toward cleaner, more secure energy choices that create American jobs and protect our environment.”
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
“We believe that there is much common ground on which all sides of this discussion could come together to address climate change with policies that are practical, flexible, predictable, and durable.”
Property and Environment Research Center (PERC)
“We envision conservation policies and practices that focus on results rather than rhetoric and replace conflict with cooperation. Our goal is to foster a culture of environmental entrepreneurship.”
Independent Women’s Forum
“We know nuclear power slows climate change. We also know that every time a nuclear reactor closes in the U.S., carbon dioxide emissions go up.”
Nuclear Energy Institute
“We need deep decarbonization to hit our climate goals. Nuclear power can get us there. As our largest source of clean energy, nuclear power is critical to reduce carbon emissions. Wind, solar and geothermal are on the rise, but the smartest policies will ensure these technologies complement, not replace, nuclear’s clean energy production.”
Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions
“It’s time we focus on clean energy policy solutions that work. Entrepreneurs, innovators, and market solutions can solve our global environment and energy challenges better than government. Let’s find ways of supporting innovation with less regulation, not more.”
Conservative Energy Network
“The future of clean energy must be rescued from failed leftist policies and returned to its roots in conservation and conservatism. American energy policy must derive from a fierce sense of patriotism, technological innovation and entrepreneurship, a respect for individual rights and liberties over government intrusion, and reverence for God and His creation.”