Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Solution: Solar

Brian Mast

Brian Mast

“Solar tech is one of the ways that I think we can improve our environment while also reducing energy costs.”

Bill Haggerty

Bill Haggerty

“We’ve seen billions of dollars in capital investment in the solar industry alone in Tennessee. Coupled with the investments we’re seeing in energy efficiency, sustainable transportation and other forms of clean energy, the clean energy sector has the potential to truly become a bright spot for Tennessee in terms of job growth.”

Glenn “G.T.” Thompson

Glenn “G.T.” Thompson

“Congress has an obligation to assist in bringing renewable sources of fuel to fruition.  Alternatives such as wind, solar and hydropower have great potential, but unfortunately they currently only make up a fraction of our overall energy usage.”

Cory Gardner

Cory Gardner

“Investing in research and development for energy storage technologies is a key component to an all-of-the-above energy strategy and will allow the United States to remain a global leader in energy research and development. As we rely more and more on renewable energy sources like wind and solar, it is critical to invest in energy...

Darin LaHood

Darin LaHood

“The climate is changing and I believe humans play a role in that. There is no doubt about that. … I am supportive of a clean energy policy. What does that mean? That means clean coal, it means solar, it means wind.”

Copyright © 2020 Conservative Coalition for Climate Solutions

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