Getting climate, energy & environment news right.

Solution: Natural Gas

Fred Upton

Fred Upton

“I believe it is important to recognize that, over the past decade, the United States has become the world’s leading producer of oil and gas creating millions of good-paying American jobs and billions of dollars in tax revenues to States and local governments…We are now self-sufficient when it comes to natural gas – which has...


Richard Hudson

“A balanced and responsible approach is the solution. This means developing more of America’s own energy resources, including wind, solar, clean coal, hydropower, biofuels, nuclear energy, as well as oil and natural gas, which will reduce our dependence on Middle Eastern oil and create thousands of jobs here at home.”

Markwayne Mullin

Markwayne Mullin

“We’re not against solar. We’re for solar. We’re not against wind. We’re not against hydro, we’re not against fossil fuels and we’re not against nuclear. We want to mesh it all together.”

Tracey Mann

Tracey Mann

“The ‘everything but’ position [of the Democrats] is bad for our economy, and our planet. For instance, no technology has done more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions the past two decades than fracking and natural gas. Innovations in that sector were driven entirely by the private sector, not top-down government mandates.”

Ron Estes

Ron Estes

“Republicans have an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that prioritizes American energy independence, embraces fossil fuels and renewable energy, and doesn’t allow Washington to pick winners and losers through massive subsidies.”

Dan Brouillette

Dan Brouillette

“There is wide bipartisan agreement that a market-based transition toward cleaner, renewable forms of energy is good for our country and the environment. But we must also recognize that these energy technologies are still years, perhaps decades, away from providing energy at the scale necessary to provide constant, reliable power to communities. In the meantime,...

Morgan Griffith

Morgan Griffith

“I support an ‘all of the above’ energy strategy that serves American economic and security interests. Coal, natural gas, nuclear, wind, solar, hydropower, domestic oil, and biomass all may play a critical role in America’s energy future. The United States possesses a tremendous amount of natural resources, and we must take full advantage of all...

Jodey Arrington

Jodey Arrington

“West Texas currently accounts for 81% of the onshore production for the entire state of Texas. The oil and gas producers here in District 19 provide a safe and affordable supply of energy to our nation, and thousands of jobs to our people. We need to reduce regulations, cut taxes, and allow these industries to...

Mark Gordon

Mark Gordon

“Only through better development of technology, the kind of stuff we’ve worked on for decades here in Wyoming, can we actually start to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.”

Pennsylvania Conservative Energy Forum

Pennsylvania Conservative Energy Forum

“Transitioning to clean, renewable energy insulates us from sudden and unpredictable fluctuations in the price of natural gas, creates local jobs that can’t be shipped overseas, attracts investments to our state from companies looking to put down roots, conserves our natural resources – helping to protect our outdoor sporting and hunting pastimes – and increases...

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