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OpenAI reportedly in talks with Helion Energy to ‘buy vast quantities’ of fusion power

Lisa Stiffler of GeekWire reports that OpenAI may purchase fusion power from Helion.

The C3 Take
  • Helion Energy, a Seattle-area fusion company, is in talks with OpenAI to provide power for data centers.
  • Fusion is years away from commercialization, but impressive milestones have been achieved in the past two years.
  • Helion has raised over $600 million and in May 2023, the company inked an agreement with Microsoft to power data centers with fusion by 2028.

“Helion is racing to deliver on that breakthrough. The company has raised $612 million in venture capital, with the promise of $1.8 billion of additional funding getting unlocked if deadlines are met. It has also received $8.97 million in federal grants.”

Read the full article here.

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