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Offshore Wind Plans Will Drive Up Electricity Prices And Require ‘Massive Industrialization Of The Oceans’

Forbes Robert Bryce writes that offshore wind plans will drive up energy prices and harm marine wildlife.

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The C3 Take
  • Offshore wind, which is often touted as an environmental solution, may not be so environmentally friendly.
  • In addition to high energy prices, offshore wind is often invasive to marine biology and other wildlife–affecting migration patterns and daily life.
  • Rather than doubling down on a technology that doesn’t work effectively, we can innovate other forms of low-carbon energy.

“Furthermore, offshore wind continues to be one of the most expensive forms of electricity generation. That high-priced juice will cost ratepayers untold billions of dollars over the coming years. That means higher-cost electricity for low- and middle-income consumers. The impact will be particularly hard in northeastern states like New York and in New England, where consumers already endure some of the highest electricity prices in the country. “

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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