J.D. Tuccille writes in Reason how abundance is good for society and the planet.

- Some doomsayers believe that the world needs to pursue a degrowth strategy to address climate and environmental issues, a theory that has been proven wrong time and again.
- Economic growth fuels the engine of ingenuity which creates solutions to better human life, society, and the environment.
- Economic abundance has created breakthroughs in remote sensor technology to make farming more efficient, energy innovation to reduce power sector emissions, and advanced manufacturing to make cleaner products.
- To address our greatest environmental challenges, policymakers should pursue policies that unleash economic abundance and innovation.
“A world of greater abundance in resources means a world in which people are better nourished, better clothed, warmer in the winter, cooler in the summer, and more prosperous. It’s a world in which human ingenuity is set free to make the human race happier, healthier, and wealthier.”
Read the full article here.
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