Katie Tubb writes for The Daily Signal that we need climate realism when it comes to China.

- Climate change is a global issue and must be addressed through both a domestic and international lens.
- So far, the Biden Administration has put a greater emphasis on domestic emissions reductions than pressuring China to become more environmentally friendly.
- Without recognizing the global issue of climate change, President Biden’s environmental agenda will fail to meaningfully reduce the world’s emissions.
- In order to make real progress on climate issues, the Biden Administration must address the environmental degradation of China.
“China’s energy trends have implications for what it means to keep China accountable to its promises. But they should also inject some necessary realism into international climate agreements and U.S. policy responses to China. As Walter Lohman notes, ‘It’s hard to put any faith in Beijing’s pledges … Given the way these things played out, in fact, [Chinese President Xi Jinping is] probably eager to reap the benefits of more pledges.'”
Read the full article here.
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