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It Took 15 Years for the Feds To Approve a 700-Mile Electric Line

Eric Boehm of Reason reports on the challenges of permitting energy projects in the U.S.

The C3 Take
  • The TransWest Express Transmission Project, which will bring wind power from Wyoming to Las Vegas, has received federal approval to be built after 15 years of undergoing permitting and review.
  • The company had to satisfy permitting requirements at the local, state, and federal levels which required the surveying of over 40,000 acres of land for environmental impacts and 60,000 lands for cultural impacts.
  • The U.S.’ inefficient permitting system is slowing down energy, transmission, and conservation projects across the country which is hamstringing meaningful environmental progress.

“With all the permission slips finally locked down, construction on the line will begin later this year, and the 3,000-megawatt line could be operational by 2028, EnergyWire reports. By then, it’ll be 23 years since the project was first proposed in 2005.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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