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How US influence can end harmful fisheries subsidies

Ernesto Fernández Monge and Megan Jungwiwattanaporn write in The Hill about harmful fishing subsidies.

The C3 Take
  • Fishing subsidies encourage the depletion of resources and harmful fishing practices.
  • Globally, nations spend $22 billion per year to artificially lower the cost of fuel and vessel construction make it possible for large vessels to fish farther out to sea and for longer periods of time and catch unsustainable amounts of fish.
  • The World Trade Organization has reached an agreement to curb harmful fish subsidies but it needs to be adopted by enough countries to be ratified and turned into law.
  • The United States, which has adopted the agreement, could use its influence to bring more nations on board.

“The world needs healthy fish populations, not populations depleted by overfishing. A thriving ocean underpins strong economies and coastal communities not only in the United States but also across the globe.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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