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How Oil and Tech Giants Came to Rule a Vital Climate Industry

Amrith Ramkumar of The Wall Street Journal writes about developments in direct air capture technology.

The C3 Take
  • The Department of Energy has awarded funding to Occidental and Batelle to develop two direct air capture hubs in Texas and Louisiana.
  • Together the two hubs will be able to remove two million tons of CO2 from the air annually, a figure that is far below the total amount of greenhouse gasses emitted worldwide each year.
  • Investing in developing technology today will ensure that innovative solutions will be able to reduce emissions in the future.

“If funded and completed, the two carbon-removal hubs would remove roughly 1 million metric tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere annually and store it underground. That amount is equivalent to the annual emissions of about 220,000 gasoline-powered cars, which is a fraction of what is needed overall to limit climate change. Each project would be roughly 250 times bigger than the only direct-air capture facility currently in commercial operation.”

Read the full article here.

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