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Hawaii building huge new battery, bidding farewell to coal

Julian Spector of Canary Media reports on Hawaii’s new energy storage facility.

The C3 Take
  • Hawaii, who has made plans to be carbon free by 2045, will open up a massive energy storage facility (known as KES) with the largest stand alone battery in the world in 2022.
  • The architects of KES claim that storage facility will be able to jump start Hawaii’s grid if calamity strikes or power goes out.
  • KES will also provide power to Oahu in the evenings by absorbing excess midday solar power and feeding it back into the grid at night.

“KES still needs to get built, and then to operate as advertised. But as other states and the U.S. Congress contemplate 100 percent clean energy goals, KES will become an early test case for whether high-tech clean alternatives can take over from fossil fuel plants and keep the grid running.”

Read the full article here.

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