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Fossil Fuel Lawsuits Are A Tax On Consumers

Wayne Winegarden writes in Forbes about the consequences of fossil fuel lawsuits.

The C3 Take
  • Earlier this year, the state of California brought forth a lawsuit against energy companies for their perceived role in accelerating climate change.
  • Lawsuits like these do not protect the environment and exacerbate the energy affordability crisis that families face.
  • These lawsuits also ignore how affordable and reliable energy from fossil fuels have benefited society (i.e. higher standards of living, energy innovation, reduced greenhouse gas emissions versus energy from other countries).

“Suing fossil fuel producers for the costs of climate change is economically damaging, environmentally suspect, and based on dubious claims. It will also harm families, particularly working families, at a time when they are already struggling with the high cost of living. Ultimately, there are many serious adverse consequences from state and local litigation against traditional energy companies, but no economic upsides should the plaintiffs prevail.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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