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Florida looks at the possibility of adding nuclear power

Jim Saunders of News4Jax reports on Florida’s efforts to expand nuclear power capacity.

The C3 Take
  • Earlier this year, Florida’s General Assembly passed a bill to study the feasibility of building advanced nuclear power in the state.
  • Importantly, the bill included technology-inclusive language that is not megawatt-limited, which would allow regulators to study different types of advanced reactors based on market needs.
  • Florida has two operating nuclear power plants (St. Lucie and Turkey Point) and in 2021 it generated 12% of its electricity from the energy source.

“Jacob Williams, general manager and CEO of the Florida Municipal Power Agency and chairman of the Florida Electric Power Coordinating Group, said the state needs to diversify its energy sources, as about 75 percent of electricity is generated with natural gas. While utilities continue to build solar facilities, Williams said nuclear power could be important in meeting future needs.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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