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Environmentalists Oppose Lithium Mining in Nevada

Wesley J. Smith of National Review writes on how environmentalists are opposing lithium mining in Nevada.

The C3 Take
  • Lithium is a one element that is needed for clean energy and battery storage projects.
  • Environmentalists in Nevada are opposing the mining of the state’s vast supply of lithium, despite the fact that it would create a more durable clean energy supply chain.
  • Our current supply of rare earth minerals is dependent on China, a nation that has fewer environmental regulations and labor laws than us.
  • Opposing mining in Nevada hurts our natural and economic environment.

“So, we can’t mine and burn coal. We can’t drill and burn oil or natural gas. We need to end the use of internal-combustion engines. And now, we can’t mine lithium. Sometimes I think these anti-modernity throwbacks won’t be satisfied until we return to the caves.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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