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Energy System Planning Is Best Done Without a Partisan Thumb on the Scale

Todd Snitchler writes in RealClearEnergy about the dangers of the government picking energy winners and losers.

The C3 Take
  • Subsidies for mature energy technologies distort markets and lead to the government picking energy winners and losers.
  • Subsidizing mature energy sources also stifles innovation by crowding out funding and opportunities for emerging or yet-to-be-invented technologies.
  • Policymakers can accelerate innovation and bolster energy security by reducing barriers to allow the market to pick winners and losers.

“Planning a next generation energy system that balances a cleaner grid with sufficient dispatchable resources like natural gas with non-dispatchable resources to ensure reliability is vital. And there may be a productive role for the federal government to play. But putting a thumb on the scale in favor of one or two chosen resources that are more than capable of competing on their own is not the way to do it.”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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