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Electric Bills Rising — How Much More Will You Have to Spend?

Josephine Nesbit writes for GoBankingRates about electric bill prices.

The C3 Take
  • Electricity prices are likely to rise this summer, due in large part to natural gas supply being unable to meet demand.
  • New England will likely face the highest increase in electricity bills, paying 16.4% than last summer.
  • Reducing regulations to allow for more domestic energy production would lower prices in the intermediate to long term.

“’The higher price is largely driven by supply and demand,’ Nick Loris, vice president of public policy for C3 Solutions, explained to Fox 11. ‘Particularly with natural gas, which provides 38% of our electricity needs, we’ve been operating in an environment of constrained supply and higher demand.'”

Read the full article here.

The views and opinions expressed are those of the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of C3.

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